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Aloneness & Togetherness on the Journey Home


In the next week I will be heading back to the UK for some precious time with family, friends and to hold circle for a beautiful group of women in London. I can feel the excitement bubbling around re-connecting with soul family and it brings to light something that I have been reflecting on for some time: that Aloneness and Togetherness play key roles in the paradoxical nature of the our individual journeys.

No one else can feel our bliss, our pain, allow our hearts to crack open, discover silence/stillness, surrender deeper, meet death, rebirth, and taste the depth of Beingness, other than ourselves! The nature of the journey is very much our own individual pathway to discover and navigate. No one else can walk it for you. It is beautifully unique for each of us.

Each human being has her/his own unique wiring and blue print that acts as an inner map for our maturation and unfolding. So in walking this mysterious road, it will always require our own ability to stand in taking responsibility for each step.It can feel so very lonely at times. Yet we are so completely NOT alone in what we are meeting. The interconnectedness is unmistakable. And the collective quality of our highest highs and lowest lows is very tangible.

Last week I gifted myself the opportunity to sit in a ceremony with a bunch of beautiful, dedicated souls, facilitated by a dear sister of mine. These days it is rare that I’m on the receiving end of such gatherings as its hard to find events that offer a depth that I am longing for. It was quite simply an incredibly nourishing, supportive, graceful and profoundly insightful experience. I felt so deeply seen, held, heard, and supported in all my unfolding, not only by the facilitator but also by the group. This is one of the main reasons why my whole Being loves to hold ceremony and circles! In sharing our truths with one another there is an indescribable intimacy and raw honesty that grows between us. THIS in the transformational agent that allows for an alchemical melting into safety, deep listening, presence, togetherness and open hearted appreciation. For me it feels utterly magical. And in fact the intimacy born from our own willingness to be stripped naked and stand vulnerable in our truth, is what allows a deep cellular exchange in a co-created space. Here there is a deeper intelligence at play whereby a group transmutation and exchange of keys takes place between us, at a cellular level: Consciousness speaking to Consciousness, within these beautiful earthly bodies.

It is becoming ever more clear that as much as my journey is my own and can only be walked by me, there is such magic in sharing it with others, when a safe and intimate environment can be created.

So over the next few months I am allowing this dance between Aloneness and Togetherness and am excited to have some wonderful gatherings to look forward to:

Radical Love & Conscious Relating in London in May, followed by a weekend with Sisters in the English countryside. Then 2 weeks in June with soul family along the northern coast of Denmark. And finally a women’s retreat in Spain in July. All of which will hold the understanding of the alchemical nature of a group unfolding, close to heart.

Ultimately it is the intimacy we develop with ourselves, alone, which invites the profound intimacy we can experience with others.


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