About The Other Night... After a day of struggle, and resisting letting go, my body intuitively moved into ceremony in the late hours of Samhain night... Every sign had shown it was needed, I was not being totally honest with my inner movements, a fragmented piece of me left unseen and unheld. Yet my mind was resisting taking the step... Why? Because for me ceremony is the ultimate space for Surrender. A sacred cauldron for the hearts most intimate prayer to be heard and honoured. Stepping in means nothing is the same on the other side. The language of ceremony speaks directly to the wisdom body and heart; the mind simply doesn't stand a chance to continue in its incessant and limited beliefs. (A terrifying possibility at times, let's be honest). Ceremony and ritual as practice, continuously offer me a powerful space to tenderly unravel, let go and bare witness to life's secret and silent mysteries. What once felt fearful, hard and contracted, can be held in sweetness, openness and trust.
The beauty of heart expressed through love and devotion, create a potent sacred space where the body can feel utterly held and safe to let the kiss of death move through. The sweetest exhale of letting go. And meeting God in the silence of being. This for me is ceremony. My body moved, shook and broke down. Offerings were made, tears were cried, prayers were expressed and then silence took over. This ceremony on Samhain night transported me from the steady ground that I had recently discovered, into a dark liminal tunnel. A portal. Symbolic of this time of year as we honour this midway point between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice as well as our ancestors and family lineage. The past was very much present on this night. Welcoming me to release and let go with heartfelt gratitude. Ceremonies have the power to initiate and support intention like no other practice I know. And without fail so much has come up to the surface to be seen in the last 24hrs... To be continued I guess. For now this transition space demands my respect and attention. No conclusions to be made just a patient allowing as life deals me Her next card.
What does ceremony mean for you? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below...
For anyone interested in bespoke ceremonies with me either online or in person, to support your unfolding and awakening, welcome to check out details here: https://www.theheartofbeing.org/1-1-meetings Blessings on your way through this transitional time dear ones xx
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