To all my dear friends who are healers, therapists, teachers, space holders, facilitators... if you are feeling the pressure to take your business online, figure out what to offer and how to support your community, let's just take a breath right now... Chances are being sensitive and an empath your feeling all the feels right now in this current climate, and that's no small task. To hold space for yourself and the waves of fear, grief, anxiety, is overwhelming in itself and takes not only courage but a hell of a lot of time and energy. If that's what you need to focus on right now then that can feel enough for the time being. No need to add more overwhelm on top. One of the clear lessons our humanity is receiving in this time is how we struggle to slow the f@#k down. The rat-race-machine of our modern world is built on 'doing' and let's be honest; its currently collapsing around us. 'Slow' kinda needs to become the new 'Fast'. But it takes practice. If we look closely right now we can see exactly where we do not prioritise self-care. And I don't mean just running a bubble bath, I mean that kind of care that demands presence and love.
So know that if right now you need to just Stop Drop & Be then that is a damn wise move that takes courage and skill. We each have our own medicine to offer in this time, there is no doubt in that. And what we also have in abundance right now is the gift of time. Time to take care of ourselves and the ones close to us first so that we can find ease in supporting others when the time is right. Your medicine is needed. But so is your care. And to all those sweet souls feeling grounded and able to move with the urgency and collective need for support through sharing - thank you for paving the way and inspiring us on the balance of being that care and holding not only for yourself but for others too. Sending love and care for us all as we meet ourselves exactly as we are. Moment by moment.