The Imbolc portal is now wide open, sunrays tickling the soft stirrings of life within the underbelly of frozen ground. Glimmers of sunbeams defrosting the protection around the seed of our longing and hope for spring, creativity, movement, togetherness and life force rushing through once again.
I love the cross-quarter festivals so much, maybe because I was conceived around Imbolc and born close to Samhain. But in particular I have always been fascinated with the nature of opposites. The Tantrika in me has revelled in exploring polarities over the years and the cross-quarter seasonal junctures heighten our experience of them.
These junctures are quite literally the bridge which unites the gradual ending of one season (can also be seen as a life experience/emotion/chapter/relationship) and the slow beginning of the next.
At Imbolc we honour the fragile nature of new life. Yet also resilient and persevering in it's ongoing arrival.
We may be feeling this meeting of opposites as a kind of tension, pressure, rub, discomfort, overwhelm or friction. These experiences, as uncomfortable as they can be, are a clear sign of life shifting into a new form. It is nature's way of grounding us back into the reality that birthing is a journey. Both spring is on the horizon yet winter is still cleansing what need not be carried forth.
What is fascinating me more these days is the experience that arises when the body fully allows the experience of two opposites to be present. An incredible Alchemy of transmutation, that reveals the utterly unexpected. A recognition of what is being birthed has not and cannot be known until its full ripening. As the pressure builds, the mind becomes vast and the body enters a stream of joy-filled surrender.
The friction filled meeting of these two poles is the exact moment of love-making which sparks the tender embers of new life. A new POTENTIAL can be felt.
Then joy, expansion, love, presence, magic, reigns down as the not-yet-known-sense-of-possibility is embraced with awe filled wonder.
A Sacred Seed planted in hope and with reverence to the unknown mystery of Life as She steers the way at Her own pace through the fluctuations of Her seasons and cycles.
Now is the time to tend to and water this sacred seed of longing that has emerged after a long journey traveling deep into the winters dark night, excavating and shedding through layers to create exactly the perfect environment for this seed to grow and thrive.
What is longing to come forth from within you? What is ripening into form along with the winter sun rays?
And what is still tender, shedding, unfinished and in need of kindness as it passes through for cleansing?
I'd love to hear if this resonates and what's moving for you?
Right now our practice is to Trust in the nature of endings and beginnings occurring simultaneously. Be patient with ourselves as the container of our being is cleansed of the old. And be sure to water this tender seed with plenty of love, care and patience.
Looking forward to harnessing the full potential of this Imbolc portal on Saturday in ceremony Join me as we root into being joyful trustworthy vessels for life! https://www.naseemkhakoo.com/imbolc-ceremony-2021